When we set off for Versailles we trusted our mapping software and followed it as it guided us on the cycle routes from Paris out to Versailles. What we learnt from this is that we need to get the contour line add on for it as it took us straight over the top of the hill between Paris and Versailles. And not just over it, it wanted us to zig zag up and down it a few times before finally allowing us the pleasure of rolling into Versailles, a little bit puffed. When I say hill it was the type of hill that we’d have had to take a run up for in our old Morris Minor. 15% is not a fun thing on a hike and we had to stop quite a few times going up to swear at the mapping software, not that it took any notice – or maybe it did and that’s why it wanted us to zig zag up and down!
We reached Versailles and having got really old and fogeyish found a bench and got our flask of soup out to eat with a baguette. We then adjourned to a local creperie for a lovely pancake and coffee before cycling up to the palace gates to get a photo of Tilly in front of the palace. We promptly got thrown out “Non Velo”. But Linda was so cold by then (it was only 5C) that she decided we’d ignore the guard and take out photo anyway. This seems to be the way of the French – he’d done his job and told us off in no uncertain terms, but when we didn’t immediately turn round he retired to his hut for a fag and a coffee and left us to it. Honor was served all round and we got our photo before turning for home.
Having let the mapping software send us on a small mountain trek on the way out I decided i’d do it the old fashioned way and plot a route to follow, which consisted of a 10km roll down hill back to Paris – lovely!
We arrived back, did a farewell lap of the longchamp race course waving goodbye to the Lycra Boys and went for very hot showers in Taffy.
Time to move on in the morning..
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