Well, it’s not exactly cutting it close as when we got home last year we aimed to be away again by January 2nd, but as our plans always seem to be disrupted by one thing or another getting away on February 11th isn’t too bad for us really. And we were actually cutting it close on departure day as when we woke up this morning we were still waiting a replacement door lock in the post and a new wheel to arrive at the garage! Nothing essential you understand. But they all arrived and by 5pm we were trundling along the A14 in rush hour on our way towards Dover in a roundabout sort of a fashion heading down to see my Gin drinking Aunt en route for lunch – probably without Gin, at least for me, but I can’t speak for Linda, and then on to our friends in Maidstone, Kent for a (I would imagine) copious amount of alcohol and a curry. And if they’re reading this – Don’t disappoint us! When I say Maidstone, Kent, I haven’t become all American on you, but I’m just making sure I know where we’re heading as when I put Maidstone into my phone mapping it kindly told me there was no navigable route there, much like asking someone in the sticks in Suffolk for directions “Oh, you can’t get there from here.” I think my phone has become accustomed to me now, as when it had chosen Maidstone – rather than the one 100 miles down the road in Kent, it had selected the one near Pretoria in South Africa, followed as second choice by one in Canada. I have to say I like it’s thinking! So it’s Dover on Thursday and Paris for a romantic valentines (Still got it haven’t I!) ((Ok Linda decided we were going there)) and for my birthday too, then down through France to Spain for some cycling in the Catalan region. Another years adventures begin…
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