T minus 4 and counting…

Posted by on 12, Jun 2013 in 2013 - Cycling from Med to Atlantic, Europe, UK, Western Europe | 0 comments

T minus 4 and counting…

With only a few days to go to departure, our house now looks like we’ve been burgled by particularly fussy kleptomaniac, there are boxes everywhere piles of stuff to go to the dump, others to the charity shop and some bound for the cellar. The pool house floor is bare concrete and the boiler has a computer attached to it trying to figure out what’s wrong with it, still, not ones to be easily put off (except for anything with mushrooms) we’ve now moved out of the house and are in Taffy in the drive, mainly because you can no longer find our bed under the piles of...

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Farewell to the intrepid Bikers

Posted by on 11, Jun 2013 in 2013 - Cycling from Med to Atlantic, Europe, UK, Western Europe | 0 comments

Farewell to the intrepid Bikers

Jacques and Mandy recently departed for another trip – this time to Eastern Europe, still on a bike, only this time it has a rather large engine!

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Jubilantly Royalist

Posted by on 14, Jun 2012 in 2012 - The Last Dictator Tour (Belarus & Russia), UK | 0 comments

Jubilantly Royalist

It’s such fun being a royalist, you get to stand in the rain for 3 hours to catch a fleeting glimpse of an oap in a funny hat desperately trying to catch pneumonia on the prow of an open boat sailing headlong into the first monsoon in history to come direct from the North Pole! And of course the irony is we had a fantastic time, whilst all the republicans either left the country or spent 4 days whining about the waste of money whilst secretly recording the concert on their sky boxes! But that’s the thing about being a royalist – it’s great fun. If we’re not getting a party or some amazing...

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And we’re off!

Posted by on 29, May 2012 in 2012 - The Last Dictator Tour (Belarus & Russia), UK | 0 comments

And we’re off!

! Well, almost! Our first few days have been a bit hectic and certainly we hope they’re not setting a trend for this trip. We broke down less than 2 miles from home right in the middle of Tesco’s forecourt blocking 2 lanes! Fortunately after about 10 minutes Taffy reluctantly managed to start and we skipped the refuel and headed straight to Imperial Commercial, the local MAN dealer, for repairs and a service. This was supposed to be an afternoons work but Taffy needed a lot more than a service and ended up having one tyre repaired and 2 re grooved, a new shock absorber, exhaust and some...

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Once more into the garage dear friends…

Posted by on 14, Apr 2010 in 2010 - The Caucasus, Europe, UK, Western Europe | 0 comments

Once more into the garage dear friends…

We’ve not even left England and we’re already in the garage having work done! Our step,screen and 12 volt accessory socket stopped working. Jon took the dash to bits and we tested all the fuses and they were all fine. So we pulled in at a MAN garage in Maidstone and they tested the 24/12 volt transformer and they said it had blown. We saw them test it and agreed reluctantly to have a new one fitted at the bargain basement price of £400 (excluding labour), We weren’t really convinced by the transformer overloading and burning out as the fuse protecting everything...

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