2015 – Iberia and Morocco

Our winter trip down to Spain, Morocco and Portugal


Posted by on 22, Apr 2015 in 2015 - Iberia and Morocco, Morocco, North Africa, Taffy | 0 comments


‎ We’ve stayed down at Zagora for 4 days now and actually had another camper join us for one night – father Christmas on Holiday, large bellied, long flowing white hair and a zizi top white beard down to his belly. All he needed to do was go ho ho ho to complete the image. This morning we got up and got ready to cycle off and heard gun shots. Normally in Europe you’d just ignore it, but here even we stopped and waited for a while to see what happened next (nothing!) before cycling off  around the palmeria to look for the lemon groves mentioned in our guide book (and try to...

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Wandering Eyes…

Posted by on 22, Apr 2015 in 2015 - Iberia and Morocco, Morocco, Taffy | 0 comments

Wandering Eyes…

Being a western women in an Islamic country – albeit a very relaxed one – is like walking around with a huge flashing arrow above your head wherever you go. Walk past the local cafes and every single man in it (and generally there are no women) will follow you with their eyes and the whole cafe looks like it’s watching a slow motion tennis match. Talk to a man and their eyes often just go up and down Linda like they’re watching a lift, I’m not sure they’d be able to pick Linda out in an identity parade if they could only see faces, though the big flashing...

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Posted by on 22, Apr 2015 in 2015 - Iberia and Morocco, Morocco, Taffy | 1 comment


‎When we arrived at Camping Le Pyramids (no pyramids in sight) we found the road to be covered in sand – hardly surprising as the Sahara begins here with some huge dunes and we both had visions of last time we took Taffy in the Sahara and had to dig her out twice. Not fun, though it did result in Linda not speaking to me for a few hours which was peaceful.  The owner of the campsite saw us dawdling and not wanting to lose a customer came out and merrily waved us through. I asked him if he’d dig us out if we got stuck and he happily said yes so we ploughed through the mini dune...

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The Right kind of Vehicle…

Posted by on 15, Apr 2015 in 2015 - Iberia and Morocco, Morocco, North Africa, Taffy | 0 comments

The Right kind of Vehicle…

‎There are 2 types of vehicle down here near the Algerian border in an area the Foreign and Commonwealth Office deam as a no go zone, presumably because you are likely to be killed by the kindness of the locals.  The 4*4 brigade who are the unruly 2 year old child of the motorists hurtling into every puddle and onto every dirt road in a desperate effort to get as filthy as possible then refusing to wash, and the goody two shoes mummies boys mtprhomers who wash behind their wheel arches and wipe down their windows everyday to make sure they all look showroom condition, oh and there’s...

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Attack of the killer bees….

Posted by on 13, Apr 2015 in 2015 - Iberia and Morocco, Morocco, Taffy | 1 comment

Attack of the killer bees….

‎ Lavender Conditioner and rose shampoo sound lovely (to the ladies at least!) but it’s always confused me why women want to smell like a garden so much. Now I know! It’s so that when you go for a walk in Morocco, in the less lush areas, the local bees think the all you can eat buffet has just turned up! Poor Linda went for a short walk down to the river on her own and came running back calling my name covered in bees. They’d obviously confused Moulton Brown’s finest bathroom products for the real thing and were busy swarming around her. We had a 60 second swat and...

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Posted by on 10, Apr 2015 in 2015 - Iberia and Morocco, Morocco, Taffy | 0 comments


‎Sometimes in life you really just need a superhero. So after travelling for a day on a relatively flat plateau  to Fes we decided to cycle into the town.   The 10 km ride we covered in Olympic time topping out at 44kph with both brakes firmly on and Linda alternating between screams and spitting out flies on the back to boot. Fortunately there was a 1km flat section that we were able to come in to land on after overtaking trucks cars and motorbikes on the way down.   Linda was so hoarse I didn’t even get shouted at either.   ‎ Fes is the largest urban car free zone in the world....

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