2010 – The Caucasus

Our trip to the Caspian Sea

Last problem before Georgia!

Posted by on 4, May 2010 in 2010 - The Caucasus, Europe, Germany, Western Europe | 0 comments

Last problem before Georgia!

Well the overland brigade will tell you time and time again that newer truck Chassis are a nightmare because of the electronics and computers and we were beginning to agree with them after our spate of dashboard errors. But, we thought, what if the errors we get are genuine and its the garages in the UK that are failing to understand the diagnostics properly? One more visit to a MAN dealer then! The dealer in Wurzburg was very swish compared to Norwich. Lots of new workshop bays and engineers who could actually speak German and English, as opposed to the English variety who spoke a kind of...

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Just one more day….

Posted by on 2, May 2010 in 2010 - The Caucasus, Europe, Germany, Western Europe | 0 comments

Just one more day….

We’re now at Kitzinger near Wurzburg on the Main. Taffy is parked facing the river in a lovely stellplatz a short walk form the town centre or more importantly, the Ice Cafe where we end up each evening for an ice cream! We’ve cycled up and down stream for the last two days in glorious sunshine by the edge of the river on dedicated cycle paths passing numerous Disneyesque walled towns with the temperature in the high 20’s. The river had carved a small valley that is now lined with vines and is in our impression the loveliest of all the rivers in Germany. We’d planned...

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And then there was the tyre….

Posted by on 22, Apr 2010 in 2010 - The Caucasus, Europe, Germany, Western Europe | 0 comments

And then there was the tyre….

High speed blow outs are not something you’d relish at the best of times but after the last few days of Taffy problems it came as no surprise that in single lane road, in the middle of Düsseldorf, at rush hour, travelling at nearly our top speed we should have one! The fact that we’d just spent 4 hours in the Museum of Modern Art, much to Jons dismay, rounded the morning off nicely. Jon did toy with the idea of taking the remnants of the tyre to the museum and trying to sell it to them for a few bob to go with the TWO piles of bricks that they had on show but considered it too...

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Hey Ho Its the Revenge of the Tanks!

Posted by on 20, Apr 2010 in 2010 - The Caucasus, Benelux, Europe, Western Europe | 0 comments

Hey Ho Its the Revenge of the Tanks!

After resolving the electrical issue in England we spent a lovely day in Calais and headed to Belgium to fill up with diesel. No sooner had we filled up as it began to pour out or the underside of the van! We examined the tank to find that fuel was leaking out of a 10 x 15cm plate on the rear top of the tank. This plate houses the 3 fuel pickups for our cooker and two heaters. These pickups go through the plate and In to the tank through 3 holes under the plate. The plate had been siliconed and screwed to the tank and the silicone had reacted with the diesel effectively melting. This meant...

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Once more into the garage dear friends…

Posted by on 14, Apr 2010 in 2010 - The Caucasus, Europe, UK, Western Europe | 0 comments

Once more into the garage dear friends…

We’ve not even left England and we’re already in the garage having work done! Our step,screen and 12 volt accessory socket stopped working. Jon took the dash to bits and we tested all the fuses and they were all fine. So we pulled in at a MAN garage in Maidstone and they tested the 24/12 volt transformer and they said it had blown. We saw them test it and agreed reluctantly to have a new one fitted at the bargain basement price of £400 (excluding labour), We weren’t really convinced by the transformer overloading and burning out as the fuse protecting everything...

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