2010 – The Caucasus

Our trip to the Caspian Sea

Return to Tblisi

Posted by on 14, Jul 2010 in 2010 - The Caucasus, Armenia, Caucasus, Europe | 0 comments

Return to Tblisi

We left Yerevan and headed to see the two UNESCO sites just south at Echmiadzin. One is just ruins and a bit disappointing but the other is the Vatican of Armenia and is a complex of a small cathedral surrounded by gardens and priests accommodation buildings and various other churches dotted about the town. The cathedral seems to be working non stop with people coming in to kiss the icons and light candles as well as get children baptised. It seems a bit odd to see the baptism happening whilst others pray or do the rounds of the icons and all the while tourists mingle freely with everyone....

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Posted by on 11, Jul 2010 in 2010 - The Caucasus, Armenia, Caucasus, Eastern Europe, Europe | 0 comments


The crossing into Armenia was pleasantly hassle free. The Armenian officials were helpful taking us from point to point to get the visa, Taffy x-rayed, the insurance, the Eco-tax and finally to make the payment into the bank for all these things. There was no corruption and all the officials tried to speak the odd word of English. The controls were still the baffling ping pong array of going from pillar to post to get various stamps etc that seem to be a hang over from Soviet times. Once in, the scenery again instantly changed as we left the rolling hills behind and began climbing into the...

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Cocktail Time

Posted by on 5, Jul 2010 in 2010 - The Caucasus, Caucasus, Europe, Georgia | 0 comments

Cocktail Time

What a difference a day makes!

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A night to remember

Posted by on 4, Jul 2010 in 2010 - The Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Caucasus, Europe, Georgia | 0 comments

A night to remember

On our way to the border we got stopped for the umpteenth time by the police, but this time the policeman was a little Hitler and tried to steal our camera as it had pictures taken in Armenia on it! Quite how when we haven’t been there and have passports to prove it I don’t know. Perhaps we’d popped Taffy in a rucksack and climbed over the mountains took a few pictures and then climbed back! His policy was to try and separate me and Linda but we wouldn’t have any of it. He wanted to take Jon into the office and told Linda to stay in the van. We refused and said we...

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Sniper Alley

Posted by on 2, Jul 2010 in 2010 - The Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Caucasus, Europe | 0 comments

Sniper Alley

Last night was the first night we’d found it hard to find somewhere to camp. The main reason for this was the non stop road works which made getting off the temporary road very difficult. In the end we stopped at a police checkpoint and they said we could camp there. At 7:30 the next morning they were banging the door wanting the tour with the chief examining the fridge and asking for a beer! Corruption is rife here and whilst I cleaned my teeth I saw through the bathroom windows two pay offs take place. Having said that all the police ever ask for from us is something English (for...

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Linda hurt in volcanic eruption!

Posted by on 1, Jul 2010 in 2010 - The Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Caucasus, Europe | 0 comments

Linda hurt in volcanic eruption!

We left the fire temple and, as it was a bit hotter, headed to fire mountain! No tiny eternal flame like fire for us on a day when it was 35C, let’s have half a hillside of raging fire like an effect from a theme park! Fire mountain is a hill that was accidentally set on fire 50 years ago and is still merrily burning away. Obviously its not the hill that burns but the gas that continually escapes from under ground. The fire itself is about 20m long by about 2m high and burns much like a gas fire on Full pelt. It must have been a great sight to have seen the poor person who accidentally...

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