Sometimes in life you really just need a superhero. So after travelling for a day on a relatively flat plateau to Fes we decided to cycle into the town. The 10 km ride we covered in Olympic time topping out at 44kph with both brakes firmly on and Linda alternating between screams and spitting out flies on the back to boot. Fortunately there was a 1km flat section that we were able to come in to land on after overtaking trucks cars and motorbikes on the way down. Linda was so hoarse I didn’t even get shouted at either.
Fes is the largest urban car free zone in the world. Mainly because it’s streets struggle to accommodate 2 people side by side and you often have to hike up into a door way to let a donkey laden with supplies for shops go past. It’s also really hilly, a maze of streets and a hive of activity. We had a great time exploring it – and when I say exploring I mean wandering around with a map getting more and more lost all the time. Eventually we did find where we had parked Tilly and decided the hill back up to the plateau was just not going to be fun so looked for a superhero to help. Cue Batman! Batman popped Tilly and us in the back and zoomed back up to the plateaux where we were camped next to the Football stadium, all for the princely sum of a fiver. Well worth it, especially as the moment we got home the heavens opened and we were treated to a thunderstorm. Oh, and Batman is a pickup truck motorbike which we both sat in the back leaning off the back of this ever so health and safety conscious mode of transport grinning like Cheshire cats.
When you pick your campsite’s here you aim to point the bedroom away from any mosque to avoid the 5:30 am call to prayer waking you. We’ve managed this pretty well so far but came unstuck with Fes as there was wedding nearby which started at 10pm and finished at call to prayer with a non stop beating of drums and pipe playing that sounded great fun if you were there but not quite so appealing if you were trying to get some sleep. Never mind, you win some and you lose some.
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