Heading North…
On our rest day we decided to cycle into Peterborough, sans Panniers which felt really strange as Tilly handles so much better when fully loaded than empty. It’s quite the opposite of what you’d expect, but obviously she loves touring too. Peterborough really shocked us for its cycle infrastructure. Loads of dedicated cycle paths, with adjacent pavement, flyovers and flyunders across the big roads, cycle traffic lights all very European. The city itself though was surreal with the post lockdown queues for Primark being so long we actually couldn’t see Primark anywhere, it...
Read MoreThe Cambridgeshire Alps
Day two started bright and sunny and we hurtled along BMW alley to get off the stretch as soon as possible and on to some quieter back roads. Mission accomplished but the worrying thing was despite us alledgely heading to Scotland the signs for London kept getting nearer… Eventually we turned North and headed over the Cambridge Castle Camps ‘Pass’. I say ‘pass’ as we are, as many will know, Hill Averse and our route somehow managed to pick the highest point in Cambridgeshire for us to traverss, all 128m of it! OK, we’re officially wimps and God knows how...
Read MoreAnd we are off again…
With lockdown relaxed and travel allowed we packed Tilly up and headed off southwards to Scotland. I know, Scotland North, but our meandering route had to be planned in great detail rather than our normal, get to lunch and start thinking about where we will stay tonight attitude. And when I say headed off, we did that twice as we had to turn around within 500m as I’d forgotten my wallet! We can’t camp, we’ll we can if we can do without using the loo or having a shower until May 18th, so we’ve had to go for self contained Airbnb’s. You can’t book hotels or...
Read MoreAll change
We arrived back at the airport Hotel after a wind assisted cycle that we’ve now done 3 times, feels a bit like being at home! We’ve been closely following the Corona Virus updates for Taiwan, where the CDC publish updates as they happen in English listing every case, where it originated, the contact tracing as well as how the person is being treated. Its excellent and gets 3 or 4 updates a day despite being one of the first counties to get the virus outside China and being only a few miles from the mainland and having direct flights to Wuhan there has so far only been a handful...
Read MoreThe last leg
Having navigated the hills we were now on the easy final fairly flat straight, though it would be better to describe it as the final wiggle and the coast continued its remarkable beauty as we headed back over the Tropic of Cancer posing for a few photos at the marker. Along the route we passed the Water Running Uphill park, where a stream appears to flow uphill. It was so convincing that Linda almost was convinced that physics was all wrong but it was an optical illusion. The hills ran steeply down toward the sea and the stream ran apparently uphill on these slopes. But the steepness of the...
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