Posts by Jon Reed

Madness I tell you, Madness….

Posted by on 16, Jun 2021 in 2021 - Lands End to Ipswich, Tilly the Tandem, UK | 3 comments

Madness I tell you, Madness….

They say Madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results so why we have just boarded the Night Riviera bound for Penzance i have no idea. It’s hilly there, very hilly and you all know how we feel about hills! Still, too late now as we begin our 8 hour ride through the English countryside to Penzance… Best we have quick sundowner in the bar and retire to our cabin for a good night’s sleep, I think we are going to need it. Of course this is all the fault of going to Scotland… We’ve never really considered doing Lands end to...

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Round the World!

Posted by on 30, May 2021 in 2021 - Ipswich to Scotland, Tandems, Tilly the Tandem, UK | 1 comment

As you will know we are hilll phobic so we changed our return route to Edinburgh to avoid the Kinross Pass and believe or not the weather was warmer and sunny too. You can get frost bite in the morning, sunburn at lunchtime and drown in the evening here and that’s a normal day. It doesn’t seem to put off the copious numbers of guys walking around in shorts though. Must be us and our wimpy nature. Today we accomplished our first virtual round the world leg having done the 40,007km to complete a RTW trip via the poles! We stopped at the side of the road with the sun shining for...

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Bonnie Scotland ????????????????????????????

Posted by on 22, May 2021 in 2021 - Ipswich to Scotland, Tilly the Tandem, UK | 1 comment

Bonnie Scotland ????????????????????????????

We crossed into Scotland having had yet another white van man moment where they come within a few inches of you as they hadn’t noticed the car coming the other way and then can’t slow down in time so squeeze past. The day was grey, the temperature lovely for early December and the wind its usual headwind. I swear if we go around roundabouts it remains a headwind and it doesn’t matter which way we turn there’s no respite. But we crossed the Scottish border and a passing Spanish cyclist hopped off her Bike and kindly took a photo of us at the future Customs control...

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County Durham

Posted by on 8, May 2021 in 2021 - Ipswich to Scotland, Tilly the Tandem, UK | 2 comments

County Durham

The hills had been performing a pincer movement ever since we left York trying to hem us in and force us to cycle over them but we had managed to avoid the worst of them until they snuck in a 17% hill just outside Stockton. We can just about peddle up a hill that steep, it’s just that we can’t stay upright as Tilly becomes a bit unstable when going less than about 3kph and we tend to wobble so much we look drunk, so we got nearly to the top and hopped off to push the last 25m before falling off. Since being ‘Up North’ our accommodation seems to have done a bit of a...

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Posted by on 30, Apr 2021 in 2021 - Ipswich to Scotland, Tandems, Tilly the Tandem, UK | 0 comments


York Minster Someone’s done the decent thing and put the Town out of their misery Entering Yorkshire from Lincolnshire for us seemed a little odd. We always think of Yorkshire as being way up north, but in fact it joins Lincolnshire just south of Goole. We cycled into Goole through “Britain’s Premier Inland Port” with all of one ship in the Dock and onto the pedestrianised High Street for a coffee stop. The weather has been great for the last day or so and the sunshine and cold had people wrapped up to the nines but happily filling the street cafes but the thing that...

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