Elvis and Tilly.
Trees hanging on for dear life as the coast erodes.. One of the only renovated piers along the coast.. ???? Former home of Elvis! The coast around Biloxi is full of enormous casinos and sky high prices for hotel rooms so we crossed the bridge into Ocean Springs to escape to the cheap seats for the night. The town was far nicer than the casino end with some gorgeous beaches and an old centre with restaurants and shops so we had booked 2 nights at the former home of Elvis, now a hotel. We adjourned to the bar for the evening and had a great time chatting to the locals and were not surprised to...
Read MoreWelcome to the Arctic
Abita Springs ???? Back road tracks in Mississippi Warm welcome ar our B&B! First view of the Gulf Coast Tree Angel… Many of the hurricane damaged trees are made into carvings One of the many enormous brushed we’ve crossed Pelicans make use of destroyed piers all along the coast Tilly lost the flag competition! Well that’s not what we expected! After two very relaxing days and 46 cups of tea at the English Tea Room we left our fab BnB and Covington behind and followed the rail to trail path down to the shore of Lake Pontchartrain with the weather turning colder...
Read MoreMississippi River
Missippi Cycle path Old Kenner town Plantation lunch stop The Mississippi! English tea room in Covington Relaxing day at our Covington B&B Wet and cold Lake Pontchartrain Deserted cycle route We picked up another French baguette as we made our way to the Mississippi River Cycle Trail which runs along the levee on a very smooth track. The river here is enormous and the river sides are heavily industrialised for nearly all our cycle along it. 55km of heavy industry with numerous berths for ocean going ships. It was an interesting cycle but not the most picturesque. You also won’t be...
Read MoreLike clockwork
Apologies for the late posting of this blog….the publisher messed up! The storms had delayed QM2 by 3 hours – result! We had been given an 08:00 disembarkation time so this got put back to 10:30 allowing us to have a civilised brekky and lie in before the mayhem of NYC began. Our experience with US border controls is that they are the worst in the world. Officious, lacking a sense of humour and just plain rude. So we waited for our scheduled departure time and then ran into numerous queues around the QM2 lobby with virtually all 1500 pax in one queue or another, all going...
Read MoreSnow Place like home
Boston snow Camp Colin snow walk Sundowners with a view Yay… Reunited ???? Ready to roll… Colourful NOLA Tilly found a friend Fabulous NOLA architecture Shake that Ass!!Street dancing NOLA wedding parade We arrived at Boston and found Cousin Annie double parked outside the station, beer in hand and a grin the size of the Titanic on her face! (OK I may be exaggerating about the beer). When she met my dad many years ago at the same station, she double parked and then asked dad, who’d just got off a plane from the UK, “Hey Bob, do you want to got to my house to clean up...
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