Posts made in August 19th, 2024

Melt down

Posted by on 19, Aug 2024 in 2024 - Friends and Family, Benelux, Europe, France, Tilly the Tandem, Western Europe | 3 comments

Melt down

I’ve been fighting my bad back and the old knee is giving me some gyp too but we’ve been making good progress until we reached our first tent site of the tour. It was a fab site, the showers and toilets were better than most hotels, a bit like you’d expect in a very posh gym on the day it opened and the Germans next to us got told to shut up by some annoyed Dutch around 10:30 saving us the trouble of getting out of our sleeping bags, but overall it was a good place to stay, despite the fact it poured with rain all night and we got a disturbed night’s sleep. We set off...

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