Posts made in August 16th, 2024

Wheeling our age…

Posted by on 16, Aug 2024 in 2024 - Friends and Family, Benelux, Europe, Tilly the Tandem, UK | 3 comments

Wheeling our age…

As you get older the list of ailments grows, those younger than us will be thinking it won’t happen to them and those older will be thinking Oh yes it will, but anyway we’ve come of age and joined the multiple ailments brigade. And there’s only one way to deal with it and that’s as soon as they glue the latest bit to fall off you back on you get going before another part has a chance to fail. So we set off on our latest, much less adventurous tour – Friends and Family 24, or FAF for short. My knee is still not right and oddly enough it’s been fine until we...

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