2024 – Friends and Family

Wheeling our age… - As you get older the list of ailments grows, those younger than us will be thinking it won't happen to…
Melt down - I've been fighting my bad back and the old knee is giving me some gyp too but we've been making…
JOOO…(Jonny off on one) - We've noticed a change in our hotel stops in the EU this trip. We've not had any hotel with those…
Back to reality… - No priority disembarking at Dover! None of the proirity to cyclist that we'd enjoyed when boarding our ferry in Dunkirk..back…
5. Things can only get better - We had a couple of days off in St Alban's - surely one of the hilliest cities in England -…
The North! - "Eee by 'eck lad, tha's like a pair of whippets on't one o' them double seaters..." Welcome to the North!…