Heading inland
First night in our new home. Hastings net sheds Serenaded by the Salvation Army Paragliders getting a view Brighton Pier..Our 28th Wedding Anniversary ❤️ Victorian Brighton Shoreham beach Chichester cathedral Portsmouth Our passport stamp Portchester Roman Castle Winchester Cathedral Tilly still hanging in there…. One of the best bits of cycle touring is meeting other tourers and people along the way. We’ve not seen many tourers so far but met a Dutch couple heading to Ireland on their tandem which was towing a trailer. They must have had nearly twice the load we carry as the...
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Oh dear… ???? Surgeon at work… Alloy weld fix. Back up and running.. ???? Soooooo tempting… ⛴️⛴️ And up another hill to get away… Before we change our minds.. Navigating the steps on the downhill cycle path hill into Dover Battle of Britain Memorial Yay… Sun is out and time for our first ice cream ???? Poor Tilly! 51,005km, 10 years 5 months 2 days old and the chain stay snapped completely through. We think it’s been cracked for a while though as we’ve had an irritating creaking occasionally and despite removing almost every component from the bike,...
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Chelmsford Cathedral Try getting a loaded tandem over that! Rochester Cathedral More hurdles…. Canterbury Cathedral Canterbury Cathedral Passport stamps Windy Whitstable.. Trauma for Tilly…. A couple of years ago the English Cathedral Association and Cycle UK put together a UK English Cathedral Pilgrimage route. They give you (£5) a passport to collect stamps at each of the 42 English cathedrals so this is our summer route. Why? Well, you may think after our short trip to neo Nazi Bible thumping, book banning, anti trans, gun loving Florida we came back all...
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