Posts made in January 29th, 2023

The Godfather tour…

Posted by on 29, Jan 2023 in 2023 - Sicily and Italy, Italy, Tilly the Tandem | 6 comments

The Godfather tour…

Nealy 6 months after we returned from our Reverse Camino tour with an injured Linda, we are off again.  The recovery of the knee has progressed well, it just takes longer when your not as young as you once were!  We have been able to cycle since we returned but nothing too strenuous….Yet! But now Linda feels that she’s fully fit once more so we are off…to the home of the Italian Mafia, which, to be fair will be a hellofalot safer than the USA at the moment even if they hadn’t just arrested the head of the Mafia here! We always feel unfit when we set off, but...

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