Posts made in June, 2021

Have you got that the right way up?

Posted by on 29, Jun 2021 in 2021 - Lands End to Ipswich, Tilly the Tandem, UK | 3 comments

Have you got that the right way up?

I spend a lot of time planning our routes and we alway try to stay off the bigger roads, avoid the hills (obviously) and stick to the quiet back lanes. Generally (though I say it myself) I’m pretty good at it now and it pays off in the form of lovely quiet days cycling. Cornwall has been quite a challenge though and you’re often stuck sticking to the main marked cycle routes due to a combination of lack of suitable roads and hills. Our cycle out of Bude to Okehampton was our longest cycle with the highest climbing of just under 1000m and I’d poured over routes to try to...

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Bring on the hills!

Posted by on 22, Jun 2021 in 2021 - Lands End to Ipswich, Tilly the Tandem, UK | 1 comment

Bring on the hills!

We arrived in Penzance at 8am having both had a poor night’s sleep. I have to stress this wasn’t due to the cabin, which was really nice. High quality bedlinen, nicely finished and quite well insulated from the train noise. We just had one of those nights when you can’t sleep. Nothing to do with the 3 bottles of Prosecco in the train bar before retiring you understand. (they were the tiny bottles) After collecting Tilly we had showers in the first class lounge which were like a 5 star hotel, very very nice and then set off for a cycle along the coastal cycle route to St...

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Madness I tell you, Madness….

Posted by on 16, Jun 2021 in 2021 - Lands End to Ipswich, Tilly the Tandem, UK | 3 comments

Madness I tell you, Madness….

They say Madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results so why we have just boarded the Night Riviera bound for Penzance i have no idea. It’s hilly there, very hilly and you all know how we feel about hills! Still, too late now as we begin our 8 hour ride through the English countryside to Penzance… Best we have quick sundowner in the bar and retire to our cabin for a good night’s sleep, I think we are going to need it. Of course this is all the fault of going to Scotland… We’ve never really considered doing Lands end to...

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